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My XML Calendar Progress

Calendar Progress Table

August 1, 2019
XML TutorialFeb. 4, 2019
XML HOMEFeb. 4, 2019
XML IntroductionFeb. 4, 2019
XML How to useFeb. 4, 2019
XML TreeFeb. 4, 2019
XML SyntaxFeb. 4, 2019
XML ElementsFeb. 4, 2019
XML AttributesFeb. 4, 2019
XML NamespacesMarch 25, 2019
XML DisplayMarch 26, 2019
XML HttpRequestMarch 29, 2019
XML ParserMarch 29, 2019
XML DOMMarch 30, 2019
XML XPathApril 15, 2019
XML XSLTApril 30, 2019
XML XQueryMay 1, 2019
XML XLinkMay 3, 2019
XML ValidatorMay 3, 2019
XML DTDMay 4, 2019
XML SchemaMay 4, 2019
DOM IntroductionMay 10, 2019
DOM NodesAugust 1, 2019
DOM Accessing
DOM Node Info
DOM Node List
DOM Traversing
DOM Navigating
DOM Get Values
DOM Change Nodes
DOM Remove Nodes
DOM Replace Nodes
DOM Create Nodes
DOM Add Nodes
DOM Clone Nodes
XPath NodesJune 15, 2018
XPath SyntaxJune 17, 2019
XPath AxesJune 18, 2019
XPath OperatorsJune 19, 2019
XML DTDMay 4, 2019
DTD IntroductionMay 4, 2019
DTD Building BlocksJune 19, 2019
DTD ElementsJune 19, 2019
DTD AttributesJune 19, 2019
DTD Elements vs AttributesJune 19, 2019
DTD EntitiesJune 19, 2019


  1. already mark these as finished:
    XML Tutorial
    XML Introduction
    XML How to use
    XML Tree
    XML Syntax
    XML Elements
    XML Attributes

    then remove these rows:
    XML Server
    XML Examples
    XML Quiz
    XML Certificate

    finally remove these rows:
    XPath Tutorial
    XPath Introduction

    then your table has the realistic amount of work you will need to complete!


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