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Back To The Basics

Click photo above to see photo clearly  It's Been A LOOONG Minute since I have coded!!   Even so, I decided to give JavaScript another try.  I always seem to do good and then when I get to this one area, I always seem to hit a brick wall.  Well....nothing like getting back up and trying again right?   I decided to try Rithm School's online JavaScript Fundamentals FREE course .  I have never joined their school but their free courses tend to explain things in a way my brain understands it.  💁 To let you know how much I have forgotten in the coding world, I couldn't even remember how to write the basic commands for an HTML document! Yesterday I started the fundamentals free course and I am so glad that I did.  Because of time, I only made it through the JavaScript History and Setup chapter, but that chapter was enough to get my memory flowing again!   It started to feel familiar and I quickly remembered why I enjoyed coding so much.  Yesterday and this morning, I just erased