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Showing posts from January, 2019

Security and SSH

Security.  We all feel a bit of comfort when we know our private information is secure. What I recently learned: SSH =  Secure Shell.  When I want to access my EC2 Instance, I need to "SSH" into it.  What exactly does that mean?  I have a private EC2 Key that is located on a file on my computer.  My EC2 Instance has a public key that is located on the home directory of my EC2 Instance.  SSH authenticates my computer to my EC2 Instance to make sure that I am authorized to communicate ( send, transfer, receive, and change files) with my EC2 Instance (my private server on AWS).  Once SSH authenticates my private key to my public key, SSH provides a private secure encrypted environment for my computer to communicate with my EC2 Instance. "But HOW do you SSH into your EC2 Instance," you might ask?  I can't physically drive to my EC2 Instance,  so I will need to access it using the same command window as I use to look at my own MacBo...

Learning XML

XML = eXtensible Markup Language My mentor suggested I learn XML through w3school's   free online XML tutorial.  They are also a great resource for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (just to name a few). He gave me a project to work on called "Artes Latinae", where I can practice using XML.  I started working in this XML project (starting with document/chapter 15) a few days ago.  This one xml document consists of 381 short frames.  Some of these frames have jpg images and sounds, while all of the frames have text. My To Do List:  1.  Spelling :  Make sure that all of the text is spelled correctly for each frame in the XML document and matches up with the corresponding frame's jpg image text.  A lot of the text is in Latin, so I have to be very careful not to make a mistake. 2.  Pictures and Sounds : There are a lot of pictures that need to be copied, cropped, and uploaded , as well as sounds that need to be reco...

DevOps Skills Part 2: Talking Like a Toddler

http colon whack whack dub-dub-dub dot google dot com What in the world did I just say?   I sound like a toddler talking in words and sounds that make no sense at all! 🙊The funny thing is, if you talk to a person involved with DevOps, they will know and understand exactly what you said! 😲 whack = "/"  That forward slash symbol on a Mac key board that is usually placed under the ? ...... that is referred to as a "whack".  Think of a duck quacking who forgot to sound the "q". 🙈 That forward slash (/) "whack" is the path separator that will eventually lead to the file on your web server.  Let's say the url is , then the browser will first find the webserver (in this case:  It then starts in that server's filesystem at the docroot (/var/html/www) and then continuing through to /collegium/grammar , where the file index.html resides (at the webserver's f...

New DevOps Skills I Learned Today

I know I said my next post would be about XML, but I wanted to go ahead and share this cool thing I just learned about Unix and using my terminal on my MacBook Pro, as well as some basic refresher points. 1.  Create Images from another image  I never knew about "shift-command-4".  When you press these keys, a little circle with a cross in the middle (it kind of looks like a compass) appears where your mouse pointer is on the screen.  If you position that "compass" to the top left of a picture you want to create (from another image) and then hold the mouse down and drag it to the bottom right corner of the image and then release the mouse, that image you just outlined will be saved to your desktop!  Pretty cool huh?  2.  Four different ways of naming files          So there are four different ways of naming files CORRECTLY.  I say correctly because if you are like me, naming files on your compu...


MY first day  on the blog!  It has been a busy two days learning how to put a webpage on the internet, by using a piece of my own server real estate.  😊 So far I have: 1.   I learned that I first needed to sign up for a virtual private server.   It was recommended to me that I go with Amazon Web Services (AWS) because they have free services available and they are the industry standard.   I needed to do this because I need to have a web server.   Since my home computer is not a web server, I needed to have access to a computer that is a web server, h ence AWS.   They are the ones that will host a server for me.   It is my own private EC2 Instance server (which is a VERY SMALL tiny piece of a MASSIVE computer server that is located somewhere in this country).   2.  When I signed up for the private server (EC2 Instance), a key pair was generated by AWS.   What is that?   Basically it’s a pair of keys that allows ...