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Showing posts from March, 2019

GIT Commands: Pull, Add, Commit, Push.....and sometimes Revert

Pull, Add, Commit, Push ...... then Repeat We talked about GIT, GIT Hub , and the three different areas GIT works in.  Now it is time to talk about some of the most used GIT commands.   I am currently working with a team on a project called Stedman.  We are all using the GIT Hub server to track our work as we make changes to the files within the Stedman project.   Many changes can be made by other members of the team, from the time I sign off to the time I sign back on.  How do I get the changes they made to a file I need to work on, onto my computer? ENTER GIT COMMANDS : 1.  The first thing I do is goto my command window on my computer and navigate to the directory where the file I want to work in is located (this will be a directory that is being tracked by GIT).   *If you need a quick refresher:  cd file_name   will take you through each of your directories until you reach your desired loca...

The 3 Areas of GIT

                                    Working , Staging , and Repository There are 3 areas that GIT works    in to track, process, and deploy the files it's been pointed to.  1.  Working Area :  These are the files that I (the user) am working on in my local file system (on my local computer) that I have instructed GIT to track.   I am currently working in the ' StedmanLesson14.html ' file.  I went ahead and made some changes to this file.  GIT can always compare my ' working area ' with it's local repo (repository) and know what files have changed at any time.  If I were to do a 'git status' command on this file (check out my post on GIT commands ), GIT will me that the  ' StedmanLesson14.html ' file that is located on my local directory has been modified. See the picture below: NOTICE IN RED:...

GIT And GIT Hub: Understanding It In Layman's Terms

My Happy 'Git' Face FINALLY Getting To Understand Git & Git Hub For almost a year I have been trying to understand the crazy world of Git and Git Hub.  To my amazement, not very many people could explain it to me in a way that made sense.  Then along came Maestro Marco... he was able to explain it in a way that was simple and easy to understand. First things first. What is Git ?   The proper definition is that Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.  (This definition is taken from the Git website) What is Git in layman's terms? Any directory on my computer can be tracked by GIT.  Any change I make to a directory or it's sub-directories is maintained by GIT.  I choose which directories I want GIT to track.  GIT will manage all changes I make to those directories.  I put all of my project files in one di...

Creating A CHEAT SHEET For XML: Making Life Easier

When CHEAT SHEETS are allowed , all I want to do is celebrate! I was half way through Unit 15 in the Artes Latinae Project , when I realized that there were a lot of frames that needed repetitive XML code.  Rather than retyping everything over and over, I decided to make a cheat sheet!  I opened my "Notes" on my Mac, and typed up a very nice and organized cheat sheet that contained all of the codes I needed for my project. I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I tried to load my project.  I kept getting error messages.  I would do an XMLLINT on my file and the errors kept popping up.  I could't figure out what the problem was so I finally had to ask Marco for help. As usual, he came running to the rescue.  The code where I was getting errors on "appeared" correct, but on further inspection by him, he found that my "quotation marks" looked slightly different.  Apparently, when I typed the code in "Notes", it changed the quotations ...